It was with joy that we received the news that the second truck with products to support war refugees left Oliveira de Azeméis, organized by the Lions Clube de Oliveira de Azeméis with the support of Lions Clube de Santa Joana de Ílhavo, São João da Madeira, Vale de Cambra, and Arouca.
In the words of the Lions Clube representative Mónica Carvalho:
"(...) the help provided by the Volunteer Firefighters of Oliveira de Azeméis and the response from the Community, Volunteers, Companies, Schools, and Institutions was magnificent."
We leave here a special thanks to:
It is always thrilling to see the response we get to the solidarity causes we embrace.
The truck is scheduled to arrive at the Ukrainian border on March 28, where all products will be delivered to the Poland Lions Club warehouse, with the guarantee that help will reach those who need it most.
Congratulations to the Lions Clube de Oliveira de Azeméis for successfully organizing this solidarity action and thanks to all the Lions Clubs involved in this cause, helping us to help.
Together, WE MAKE IT REAL.